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Quellenstraße (Spring Street) in Vienna-Favoriten

Quellenstraße in Vienna-Favoriten.

Rich in variety, three kilometres long, home for many different people. But how familiar are you with Quellenstraße?

And where is the spring in Quellenstraße (Spring Street) anyway?

At Quellenstraße 116

At the corner of Herzgasse you can find the decorative relief "The Spring".
The water supply

In reference to the name "Spring Street", there is a decorative reflief titled The Spring at the modern building on the corner of Herzgasse. The name Spring Street, dating back to 1874, was given in rememberance of the completion of the water reservoir "Am Laaer Berg". This reservoir was built at its current location, 24 Quellenstraße, for the first Viennese mountain spring water supply line.

Not least because of global climate change, springs dry up and water shortage is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. Even though Vienna’s supply of water is excellent, it is based on a spring that might dry up one day.

And where is the spring in Quellenstraße (Spring Street) anyway?

"You are the source, the spring of all life."

That's what the Bible says about Jesus.
Never be thirsty again?

The Psalms is one of the Bible’s best known books. It's a collection of 150 texts of various types, e.g. prayers, songs and poems. In Psalms, people often express their joy in God - that’s why it says in Psalm 36,10 "You are the source of all life."

Jesus himself, the Son of God, confirms this when he says in John 4,14, "But whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring which will provide him with life-giving water and give him eternal life."

Do you already know this spring? Or are you still thirsty?

Do you have any questions? Please, write to us.
Please, contact us!
Find us in Quellenstraße

The Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) is an Evangelical Free Church. Since 1974 the Evangeliumsgemeinde has had its premises at Quellenstraße 156. In case you have become curious or have any further questions, please, visit us or just write to us.

Where do you find "the Crete" in Quellenstraße?

Höhe Quellenstraße 2 bis 41

In former times the Ankerbrot site was called "the Crete".
The trouble spot

In the 19th century, the island of Crete was characterized by its fight against the Turkish foreign rule. Even after the Turks had given up the island in 1898, the unrest went on. Only when Greece occupied the island in 1913, peace was restored at last.

Crete was infamous throughout Europe as an extremely unsafe place. So much so that in many European cities, riotous quarters were named after Crete. In the period between the world wars, Vienna's "Crete" was the area between Gudrunstraße and Quellenstraße, nowadays known as the former Ankerbrot site.

Where do you find "the Crete" in Quellenstraße?

"Cretans are wicked beasts"

The Bible has always been up to date – and often takes things humorously!
The Bible, a modern book?

In Titus 1,12-13a the apostle Paul writes about the Cretans, "It was a Cretan himself, one of their own prophets, who spoke the truth when he said, ‘Cretans are always liars, wicked beasts, and lazy gluttons.’" With these words, Paul addresses his readers in a humorous way, but also prudent and prescient. Instead of giving his own opinion, he uses what the famous Cretan prophet Epimenides says about his fellow Cretans. This way, he can speak his mind without personally denigrating the Cretans.

The Bible often surprises us with ingenious, topical statements, easily understandable even nowadays.

Do you know from experience that the Bible can have a contemporary feel to it?

Do you have any questions? Please, write to us.
Please, contact us!
Find us in Quellenstraße

The Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) is an Evangelical Free Church. Since 1974 the Evangeliumsgemeinde has had its premises at Quellenstraße 156. In case you have become curious or have any further questions, please, visit us or just write to us.

Where again was the cinema in Quellenstraße?

At Quellenstraße 116

What are now the premises of the Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church).
Entertaining evening programme

In the period between the wars, some of the quarter’s cinemas were highly popular. Right in the middle of these cinematic attractions was the Quellenkino (Spring Cinema) in Quellenstraße. It existed for more than 50 years from 1913 to 1967 and provided seats for more than 200 people. The Quellenkino was one of the oldest cinemas in Vienna-Farvoriten after the Zentralkino (1905), the Keplerkino (1908) and the Edisonkino (1912).

Where again was the cinema in Quellenstraße?

Variation, fun, suspense

In a manner of speaking, a Christian Free Church is similar to a cinema!
A (former) cinema used as a church!?

In Acts 2.42 we learn what was typical of the early Christians' lives: solidarity, prayer and willingness to help. In this context Christians are called "fellowship".

Fellowship in the sense mentioned above can be practised everywhere, not only in a traditional church building. Congregations can be established at many different places: in former shops, community facilities and – as in the case of the Evangeliumsgemeinde – in a former cinema. The kind of premises is of minor importance. What's happening behind the walls is what matters. This can be – like in a good movie – variation, fun, suspense.

Perhaps you'd like to visit the "Cinema Evangeliumsgemeinde"?

Do you have any questions? Please, write to us.
Please, contact us!
Find us in Quellenstraße

The Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) is an Evangelical Free Church. Since 1974 the Evangeliumsgemeinde has had its premises at Quellenstraße 156. In case you have become curious or have any further questions, please, visit us or just write to us.

In which part of Quellenstraße were houses built in times of need?

At Quellenstraße 9 and 11

In times of deprivation, so called Notkirchen were built by primitive means!
Churches against despair

Where today you find modern blocks of flats, there once was the Notkirche St. Josef. It was the first Notkirche: erected at Quellenstraße 9 in 1925; 22 metres long and eight metres high; built of wood. After St.Josef had been destroyed in a bomb attack on 13 February 1945, the former prisoner barracks at Quellenstraße 11 were made available in May 1945. They served as a place of refuge during the difficult times following WWII.

In which part of Quellenstraße were houses built in times of need?

Building a church takes time and energy

And there are much easier ways to find God in times of need
Finding a sympathetic ear in times of need?

Hardships can have many different faces – concerning society, as the history of Quellenstraße shows – but also purely personal. Human beings have worries and fears. They are in pain. In contemporary medicine there is an abundance of possibilities to ease pain. But not everything can be diagnosed, even by the most conscientious doctors. Mot all diseases can be treated, even in the best hospital.

In the Bible a man called David wrote many prayers, songs and poems for God. In Psalm 86,7 he addresses God with the words, "I call to you in times of trouble, because you answer my prayers." David was a rich and honoured king, but he knew the feeling of helplessness and distress.

Perhaps you are troubled by anxieties as well. Who do you turn to for help?

Do you have any questions? Please, write to us.
Please, contact us!
Find us in Quellenstraße

The Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) is an Evangelical Free Church. Since 1974 the Evangeliumsgemeinde has had its premises at Quellenstraße 156. In case you have become curious or have any further questions, please, visit us or just write to us.

Everything worth knowing about the "Project Quellenstraße"

Imprint and further contact

Responsible for content, implementation, design and artwork of this website
Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) Vienna

Members of the Evangeliumsgemeinde (Gospel Church) Vienna
Quellenstraße 156, 1100 Vienna
Contact person: Alexander Gewessler

List of sources

Favoriten. Zwischen gestern und morgen (Christine Klusacek, Kurt Stimmer), Quellenstraße article on Wikipedia

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